About Bengans
For over fifty years, Bengans has provided the good people of Gothenburg with records, and since 1995, we have also been available online. Connected to our store in Gothenburg, we have a café where, in addition to serving food and drinks, we host concerts and film screenings. We now also have stores in Stockholm and Linköping. Every day, thousands of people visit one of our stores. Our headquarters and online warehouse are located in the Slakthus area of Gothenburg.
In our assortment, you will find records, films, books, and merchandise. We love the revived interest in vinyl and offer a wide selection, including new releases, reissues, and used vinyl records. You can also find import titles and artists who distribute their records independently with us. Bengans is highly engaged in
Record Store Day, during which our stores are filled with special releases.
We who work at Bengans are music lovers ourselves, and like our customers, we enjoy connecting with artists. We often host live performances and signing sessions on our stage. Over the years, we have had visits from artists such as David Bowie, Belle and Sebastian, and R.E.M., as well as most of the major Swedish artists like Kent, Anna Ternheim, Ulf Lundell, and Lars Winnerbäck.
Our storesBengans Skivbutik
Stigbergstorget 1
414 63 Goteborg
E-post: info@bengans.se
Bengans Skivbutik
Drottninggatan 20
111 51 Stockholm
E-post: info.08@bengans.se
Bengans Skivbutik
Nygatan 31
582 19 Linköping
E-post: linkoping@bengans.se
Bengans E-handel
Slakthusomr. Hall G
415 02 Goteborg
support@bengans.se José González performs in front of a packed store. Main stage, Stigbergstorget, Gothenburg.
Nostalgia from the 20th century 1974: Bengans Skivhörna opens at Kommendörsgatan 27.
1975: Moves to Allmänna Vägen/Kaptensgatan. Generates a turnover of 200,000 SEK.
1977: The punks discover the store and start delivering their homemade singles for sale.
1978: The price is increased for the first time (28 SEK). Kapten Gitarr opens on the other side of the street.
1979: Used records are increasingly replaced by new LPs.
1982: Bengans’ first employee, Kenneth Sandström, is hired. Temporary move back to Kommendörsgatan.
1983: Renovation begins at Allmänna Vägen.
1984: Reopens in newly renovated premises at Allmänna Vägen.
1985: CDs cost 120 SEK, LPs 55 SEK.
1986: Moves to Stigbergstorget into the premises of Kino Fyren (March 20), where Bengans is still located today.
1987: Opens a café and ticket service.
1988: Improvised first signing concert with Courtney Pine.
1989: In the autumn, CD sales approach vinyl sales. Prices also converge: 110 SEK and 72 SEK respectively.
1990: Begins concert and tour operations with Musik/Musik.
1992: Opens a music store in Gøtabanken's premises at Stigbergstorget. Launches a record label.
1993: Opens a store at the Central Station. Organizes Ulf Lundell concerts at Scandinavium and Globen.
1995: Begins online CD sales via the internet.
1999: Bengans turns 25 years old and celebrates with a grand anniversary party.
...and it continued into the 2000s with... Establishment of three new stores: prime location on Stockholm's prestigious street Drottninggatan, as well as central stores in both Gothenburg and Linköping.
Major renovation at Stigbergstorget, where the café gained more space both at the entrance and with a stage one floor down.
Bengans Distribution was launched, representing several record labels such as Birds Will Sing, Bolero, Luxury, Adore, Dalapop, Birdnest, and Novoton.
Vinyl sales are approaching CD sales, and the 'order' is soon restored after about 25 years...
...and sometime in 2016-2017, LP sales surpass CD sales at Bengans.
Bengans is listed as one of the '27 Record Stores You Must Visit Before You Die' by American Buzzfeed (read article) and is mentioned among the largest record stores in the world by UDiscovermusic (read article).