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There is a consistently restrained, warm feel across the whole of 'Medicine', and the band suggest that the overall theme of the album is about “the impermanence of life in different ways: sickness, relationships, love, death and how our time is finite”.
The ‘Medicine’ of the title may refer to a number of salves, or this value of relationships and love: “For our families, friends, society, this could be done through the use of psychedelics, through meditation, through learning from other people, staying curious and never settling for a ‘solid’ identity” says the mysterious Goatboy from the band.

At times the album’s sound has nods to classic Swedish 70s psych/prog/folk acts such as Arbete & Fritid, Charlie & Esdor and Träd, Gräs & Stenar. However, there was nothing conscious about the way the album turned out, as the band “were just trying to move along as freely and open-mindedly as possible”. A new sound that grew out of their recent work on the pagan folk soundtrack to Shane Meadows’ The Gallows Pole.
But whatever your dosage, and regardless of your remedy, it is now time to take your medicine.

Release 13/10 on vinyl (exclusive cover for Scandinavia)

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