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Paved the way for Swedish rap, and remains on the throne

It is today obvious to see the Swedish rap and hip-hop scene as a given and leading front in Swedish popular music. In many ways THE leading.

That was definitely not the case when Petter debuted with the album "Mitt sjätte sinne" in 1998. After names like Just D and Latin Kings earlier in the 90s, there was a certain vacuum.

But with his breakthrough finally came a wide impact for Swedish hip hop. Petter paved the way for today's hip-hop acts. He brought blue-yellow hip-hop into an era of innovative beats and ingenious sampling of soul-funk and disco rarities. With him there was no longer any doubt that this could be done authentically in Swedish as well. At the same time, throughout his career, Petter has been a trailblazer and worked to bring women into a male-dominated genre.

When Petter raps, you listen. He has that spellbinding quality. Whether he's rapping about light or darkness, it gets through. He is now in the DNA of Swedish pop music, always with an ear towards the street.

The years pass but Petter remains at the throne. Or as he formulated it in 2013 in the song "Alla vet":

”Jag är folklig, jag är rebell / Jag är stor, känd och min skit håller än”.
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Petter - Varholmsgatan
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Petter - 9818
Petter - 9818
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